ފަސްޓް އެމެންޑްމަންޓް ޓު ދަ ޕްރޫޑެންށަލް ރެގިއުލޭށަން އޮން އެސެޓް ކްލެސިފިކޭށަން، ޕްރޮވިށަނިންގ އެންޑް ސަސްޕެންށަން އޮފް އިންޓްރަސްޓް ރެގިއުލޭށަން (ރެގިއުލޭށަން ނަންބަރު 5/2009) އަށް 1 ވަނަ އިސްލާހު ގެނައުމުގެ ގަވާއިދު
(ގަވާއިދު ނަންބަރު 32/2012)
Prudential Regulation on Asset Classification, Provisioning and Suspension of interest (Regulation No. 5/2009) is hereby amended as follow
Clause 1
Amend the last sentence of last paragraph of 3 (d) under the heading Doubtful under part III as follows, to correct a typographical error
Guarantees must be honored within 30 days of call to preclude a Doubtful classification.
Clause 2
Insert the following provisions after 7 of part III
8 Power to temporarily extend deadline for compliance
The Board of Directors of the MMA have the power to grant flexibility for a reasonable period in cases where the MMA determines that there is a valid reason for temporary non-compliance to any requirement under this regulation
Clause 3
This amendment shall commence upon it being published in the Gazette of the Government of Maldives
ކިޔުންތެރިންގެ ހިޔާލު