ސިވިލް އެވިއޭށަން ރެގިއުލޭށަންސް "އެމްސީއޭއާރު-އެމް 21" އިނީށިއަލް އެއަރވޯރތިނެއސް ރެގިއުލޭށަން
(ގަވާއިދު ނަންބަރު 2019-1083)
(ތިރީގައި އެޓޭޗްކުރެވިފައި އެވަނީ މި ގަވާއިދުގެ ގެޒެޓްކުރެވުނު ޕީޑީއެފް ކޮޕީއެވެ. މި ގަވާއިދުގެ ވޯޑްފޮމޭޓް ނިމުމާއެކު އަޕްލޯޑްކުރެވޭނެއެވެ)
Maldives Civil Aviation Authority, in exercise of the powers conferred on it under Articles 5 and 6 of the Maldives Civil Aviation Authority Act 2/2012 has adopted this Regulation.
This Regulation shall be cited as MCAR-21 Initial Airworthiness and shall come in to force on 18 December 2019.
Existing aviation requirements in the field of airworthiness as listed in MCAR-21 Initial
Airworthiness dated 31 December 2013 will be repealed as from 18 December 2019.
‘Acceptable Means of Compliance’ (AMC) illustrate a means, or several alternative means, but not necessarily the only possible means by which a requirement can be met.
‘Guidance Material’ (GM) helps to illustrate the meaning of a requirement.
List of Amendments
Remarks | Date | Rev # |
Issue 1 Amendment 0 | 2008-06-25 | Initial issue |
Issue 1 Amendment 1 | 2009-07-21 | nclude import requirements |
Issue 2 Amendment 0 | 2013-12-31 | Consolidated issue with additional training requirements |
Issue 3.00 | 2019-12-18 | Incorporated up to EU No. 2016/5 and Decision 2017/024/R |
މައި ގާނޫނު
ސިވިލް އޭވިއޭށަން އޮތޯރިޓީގެ ގާނޫނު (ގާނޫނު ނަންބަރު 2012-02)
ކިޔުންތެރިންގެ ހިޔާލު